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My Self

Marta Marius Razvan

Manager: SC MCM SRL

" The only place where success comes before work is in the dictionary ! "


Seasoned professional with nearly 1 year experience in learning Web Development and over 6 years experience in sandstone production and sales. I am driven and enthusiastic about pursuing a career in Software Development.


  • Web Developer

    The Informal School of IT. Cluj-Napoca - 2019

  • Economics Bachelor Degree

    Oradea University - 2008


  • The Complete Web Developer: Zero to Mastery
    from www.udemy.com on 22 Feb 2019
  • JavaScript: Understanding the Weired Parts
    from www.udemy.com on 1 may 2018
  • Intro to JavaScript
    from www.udacity.com on 12 Oct 2018


  • Certified in Marketing
    from Oradea University on 22 Jul 2008
  • Certified in Web Development
    from The Informal School of IT on 22 Nov 2019


Web Developer - Trainee Current

The Informal School of IT
May 2019 - present

HTML5 and CSS3: how to build a User Interface

JavaScript: how to use variables, functions, objects, scope, DOM manipulation, AJAX, fetch API, Promises

HTTP: fundamentals about the protocol: methods, headers, error codes

ES6: scoping, let and const, arrow functions, classes, getters/setters and static class methods, template string, array methods (forEach, map, find, some, every, reduce etc), enhanced object literals, destructuring, async/await

OOP: basics about classes, objects and inheritance in JS

REACT: props and state, functional based components, class based components, react router

GIT: learned the principles and basic commands


SC. Marta Construct Mod SRL
July 2012 - April 2018

The company had as main object of activity the exploitation of the ornamental stoneware.

My primary responsibility was management and marketing and as a secondary objective its processing and sale.

Sales Agent

SC Naturavit Trade SRL
November 2009 – February 2011

Interact with clients from various backgrounds on a daily basis and achieve sales targets.

Implementation of various initiatives / projects of Mondelez Romania S.A. that were carried out during that period with certain clients.


Website building

Websites promote you 24/7: No employee will do that.

Some of work in category:
Online-CV github.com/marta/cv-
MyIMBD crinel.github.io/myIMDB
Invite github.com/marta/invite


The strength of JavaScript is that you can do anything. The weakness is that you will.

Some of work in category:
Player github.com/marta/TheMover
Clock github.com/marta/clock
CV Site www.onlinecv.com


React is a JavaScript library that aims to simplify development of visual interfaces.

Some of work in category:
My Robots github.com/marta/robots

Contact Me

Marta Marius Razvan

Romania, Oradea
+40 0733847383
Sent e-mail


Google Plus